12th Annual Pesticide Stewardship Conference

Network, participate and learn from movers and shakers who are making a difference in pesticide stewardship and the management of agricultural plastics.


Wednesday, February 8th – Thursday, February 9th, 2012

TPSA Board meeting on February 7th, Tuesday afternoon Sessions begin Wednesday morning and run through Thursday evening.

Sessions will focus on:

  • Integrated Pesticide Management (IPM)
  • Pesticide Spray Drift
  • Pesticide Container Regulations
  • Agricultural Plastics Management
  • Pesticide Disposal

Papers, Abstracts, Posters Presentations:
All are welcome. If interested, please send a brief description to the contact listed below.

Speaker Suggestions: Want to be involved and help identify program speakers for the conference?

Volunteer: Assist with planning the conference program, silent auction, registration and other things.

CONTACT: Ed Cranson, TPSA Board Member, ed.cranson@simplot.com 970-542-0034

Enjoy Boise, ID anytime of the year!

245 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise, ID, USA 83702

Sponsored by The Pesticide Stewardship Alliance: TPSA is a non-profit organization that brings together technical experts, researchers, pesticide applicators, regulators, educators, crop protection industry, hazardous waste industry, agricultural plastic recyclers, environmental and public health constituents, students and others to promote and support improvement to pesticide stewardship in the United States and internationally.